Join Scott Lawrance (of Salish Sea Ecoretreats) and Mitch Brookman (of Veterans Rites) for a Men’s Vision Fast on the holy Mount Tuam on Saltspring Island in the Salish Sea. The core of the program is the four day fast within the School of Lost Borders. This will be an opportunity for all male identified persons to step outside of the matrix of their habitual identities and open to the Holy-in-Nature: not simply an opportunity to acknowledge significant life transitions but to also enter more fully into our entanglement with the world that our gifts be offered freely to our people, both human and other-than-human. Youth (who may be adrift in this confusing time), adults and elders are all welcome.
Men’s Wilderness Vigil
September 30 @ 1:00 pm - October 9 @ 3:00 pm PDT