11 Day Encampment & Vision Quest Ceremony

Asheville, North Carolina Asheville, NC, United States
Deep within your soul lies a fire that directs your passion and purpose. Often this flame lies quiet like the ancient whispers of smoldering embers;…

Women’s River Rites Trip

Labyrinth Canyon, Utah Labyrinth Canyon, UT, United States
There will be a time when we can gather together under the night sky… There will be a time when we can cook and eat together on…

Utah Vision Fast 2021

South Eden Ranch, Bear Lake, Utah Laketown, UT, United States
You are invited to join us on this 11 day vision fast ceremony, enacted in high desert ranch land of Utah. Includes time to slow…

Marcher les 4 shields – Portugal

Bord de l'Océan , Portugal
“Marchez doucement car vous marcher sur mes rêves.” William Butler Yeats Un projet… une marche, au bord de l’Océan, en bord de terre… Suivre un…