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Jul 17


July 17, 2022 @ 10:00 am - July 23, 2022 @ 1:00 pm PDT

Finding our medicine as women and female-identified people, finding our voice and way as daughters, mothers, elders, and stewards of this Earth at this time is essential.
Feminine nature has been abused, pillaged, murdered, kidnapped and sold for thousands of years. Women carry heavy on the trauma their ancestral lineages have endured, whether we are conscious of it or not. Too many of us carry the blueprint of sexual and/or violent assault in our physical and/or ancestral bodies informs and shapes us in more ways than we are consciously aware of. As a result, we may be more comfortable living in the masculine part of ourselves, where we perform as best we know how in a dominance driven culture.

Remembering our birthright, unearthing, empowering and uplifting feminine nature within us and around us is as necessary for ourselves as it is for life on Earth.
Although the feminine lives in exile in a culture that has forgotten how to nourish and tend instead of extract, how to collaborate instead of compete, we are innately connected to cyclical, natural time – with every moon, every cycle of our menses, and in all life cycles of our fertility and beyond.

In our time on the land and in circle, we will invite and invoke the intuitive, creative, irrational, deeply informed feminine nature within. We will dare to unlearn the logic of colonial capitalism and unearth a deeper knowing of (and belonging to) the life-thriving paradigm that – no matter how much we fear we have lost it – still lives right beneath the surface skin of our homogenized cultured selves. As with all ceremony, we will do this not only for ourselves, but for our kin, our human and more-than-human communities and in honor of creation/life herself, flowing in infinite forms through all manner of bodies.

Come as you are. Perfect, imperfect, cracked open or blown away. You are welcome.

More detailed info here: https://schooloflostborders.org/programs_courses/the-four-shields-of-wholeness-for-women/

Financial help: Scholarships are available through the school – and – knowing the disparity of income caused by racial, and social inequities, we are offering two spaces with near full scholarships (covering 80-90% of total tuition, based on need). BIWOC will receive primary consideration as we strive to create more access to this work as well as bring racial diversity into future leadership.

Who this offering is for: This invitation is for women and significantly female-identified people. “Woman” and “female” are used as inclusive and expansive definitions. All are welcome: cis and trans women, genderqueer women, and members of non-binary communities who are also female-identifying.

Program Questions Contact: Petra Lentz-Snow at petra@lostborders.org


July 17, 2022 @ 10:00 am PDT
July 23, 2022 @ 1:00 pm PDT
Program Categories:
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School of Lost Borders
Petra Lentz-Snow