Jasmyne Chandler

Jasmyne Chandler

Jasmyne Chandler

Biographical Info

Jasmyne is the Founder and Lead Guide at Guided Passages, a Youth Organization in Southern Oregon offering Teen Circles, Individual and Group Coaching and Mentoring, and Rites of Passage Backpacking trips for tweens, teens, and young adults. She is an International Coaching Federation Certified, Trauma Informed, Professional Coach for teens, young adults, and parents as well as a Council Facilitator and Wilderness Rites of Passage Guide. She also brings over 13 years’ experience as an Educator and advisor in both High School and College settings where she has taught and advised teens and adults. She holds a Master’s Degree in Education and has received training in Council facilitation through Council Heart and Rites of Passage Wilderness Guiding through the School of Lost Borders and Wilderness Rites. She found her love for Earth-based ritual when she embarked on her first Rite of Passage journey at the age of 19. The 10-day trip she took into the Steens Mountains of Eastern Oregon forever changed the trajectory of her life in such a positive way, that this work has followed her to the present day. For the last two decades, she has participated in Earth-based ceremonies and rituals, as well as facilitated, assisted and apprenticed on several Wilderness Rites of Passage trips. She founded Guided Passages in order to meet the need of young people in Southern Oregon and beyond, who are in need of mentorship, support, heartfelt connection, and someone who believes in their true potential.

Email Address [email protected]

City: Ashland

State OR

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