Justice, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion

The Wilderness Guides Council is committed to wholeness, balance, equity and the full circle of life. We honor and value difficult and sometimes painful conversations. We celebrate. We swim in the mystery and work to stay in right relationship with one another.

What is our place in the work of creating a more just and equitable world for all?
As an intensely nature-based organization, we experience how diversity, equity and inclusion is mirrored to us in Nature and her processes.
We know that a stronger community, whether human or more-than-human relies on its capacity for diverse members and interconnected caring.
We are committed to creating spaces in our programs and circles for people from all walks of life, and fostering authentic connections amongst all.
Wilderness Guides Council Netkeepers

Reflection & Incorporation

What is our role in helping colonial culture shift towards a life-honoring culture? As an organization, we are willing to look deep within, to let go of what no longer serves, to be in the unknown, and incorporate new gifts and learnings. As an organization deeply involved in rites of passage, it is the process of initiation and transformation that is valued.

Our Efforts

JEDI Council

Our JEDI Council attends to our evolution as an organization around Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI). The council are members of the organization who explore practices for guides to widen their circles of inclusion.

Sitting in Circles of Deep Listening

Sitting in circle and listening fully and deeply to one another is one way we contribute to a more just and equitable world. We learn by hearing the voices. All the voices. From there, we evolve together.

Repairing Harm

Our JEDI Council, Safety and Inclusion Council, and Netkeepers are here if you have experienced harm as a member of our organization or in interactions with us. We want to hear your voice, we will do what we can to attend to the harm you experienced.

Restorative Systems

Our systems must also transform to match our values. Our Advisory Council in collaboration with the JEDI council are evolving our systems to be more accessible and inclusive. If you have supporting ideas please contact us below.

Member Support

Our organization and JEDI Council supports our member guides in creating more welcoming and honoring programs for more people.

Ongoing Learning

Our Virtual Basecamps and in person gatherings are a place for not only deep listening to one another, but for ongoing learning. We are also fundraising for professional trainings to be offered to our members.

Support the WGC's Diversity Initiatives

Diversity & Inclusion Statement

The WGC has set a strong intention to create an ever-widening circle of safety, and inclusion and to explore and include a social justice lens within Wilderness Rites of Passage. 

We recognize the dynamics of privilege and oppression wherein people are systematically underrepresented, under supported, and harmed on cultural and institutional levels.

We seek to integrate skillful means, while creating space for learning, mistake making, and the profound and necessary work repairing harm. 

We assert that absolute safety is neither attainable or even desirable — as a certain amount of discomfort promotes growth. Rather, relative safety means that each member of this community is worthy of being deeply listened to, and when there is harm we commit to reparations.

We intend to be a microcosm of openness and healing, creating a loving space for all voices, identities, and life-ways. 

We seek to be a living, dynamic system; an ecology wherein all beings are valued and whose gifts can be brought fully into the community. We seek to offer learning and growth for our fellow guides in support of an ever-widening circle of transformation.

Let's Connect

We welcome additional ideas and feedback regarding our diversity, equity and inclusion efforts. Please contact us.