Christiane Frischmuth

Christiane Frischmuth

Christiane Frischmuth

Biographical Info

Guiding is my soul’s work and I want to integrate it into my life – using the practices in my coaching, leadership and facilitation work with groups and organizations and guiding others several times a year through those transformational experiences on the land, in the midst of a wild and supportive community. I graduated from the School of Lost Borders Guide Program in 2016. I am continuing to design and run programs, particularly straddling the RoP and coaching, leadership and organizational world. I would love to co-guide with others. Let's find each other!

I have been hiking, backpacking, biking, swimming, and seeking out nature as my true home since I can remember. I come from a small farming village in Germany and I have lived, worked and backpacked on the land and in cities all over the world. I love learning and am discovering new lands and new ways of being in this world and on my last fast committed to loving my life every day – no matter what. I am also an organizational development facilitator, a life and leadership coach and provide leadership learning experiences for groups and individuals across the globe.

I now live in Washington DC as a dual US and German citizen and still travel and work all over the globe, taking times off to be in nature alone and with others. I have solid wilderness skills, having hiked for months alone and taken wilderness first aid and survival skills courses.
I have done vision fasts, some with AVI, some in the rainforests of Costa Rica and most recently, with the SOLB. I discovered that my deep Gestalt training, including physical process work, my over 24 year coaching and team building and constellation work has prepared me for council work. Mirroring and listening and holding the space for the work to emerge is something I value and practice daily. Sitting in circle and weaving a community that allows every member to grow, be vulnerable and feel cherished is what I aspire to co-create and be a part of. More and more often, attending to severance, the threshold and incorporation is the process through which I accompany groups and teams and individuals – healing and taking the next steps to a different future. I also work with women’s groups and councils as well as those transitioning into new phases of their lives or finding themselves in difficult times and those dark nights of the soul.

I am actively shaping new rites of passage programs here in DC, in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, Italy, Virginia as well as offering tried and true ones.

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City: Ridgway

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